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UFOs THE SECRET EVIDENCE ù 110 mins, ú24.95 inc p & p. EBE Award winning video at International UFO film festival in Las Vegas, 1993. This tape covers every aspect of the UFO related phenomena ù abductions, cattle mutilations and crop circles. 44 film clips of UFOs from around the world and interviews with leading researchers and military personnel combine to make this excellent video essential viewing.
UFOs: Secrets of the Black World ù 2hr15m, ú24.95 inc p & p. The secret US military facility in Nevada is known by many names: Area 51, Groom Lake, Dreamland...Officially it does not exist but, in his new video, Michael Hesemann interviews people who have been there. One is Bob Lazar who says he's worked on alien craft in underground bunkers in Area S-4 of the complex. Ex-CIA pilot John Lear tells of secret black projects a t the base, and of seeing strange unidentified craft over the surrounding desert. Whatever goes on at Area 51, this remarkable documentary lifts some of the veil of secrecy.
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